BOTH (HINDI –ENGLISH) ! THE LOST SPRING- MAIN POINTS ! पाईये १२ कक्षा के English ke Chapter “The Lost spring” की पूर्ण व्याख्या (हिंदी और इंग्लिश में)- written by Abhishek
2. The Lost Spring (Anees Jung).
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"The lost spring spring Full summary ! Class 12th The lost spring important-questions-answers !The lost spring spring main points full Explanation.Textual questions -answers, of The Last spring -And full explanation In Hindi -English"
Brief Introduction to the lesson
In this Lesson , the writer
describe the pitiable condition of poor children who have to live in slums and
work very hard in dirty conditions. They are never sent to school because their
parents are too poor to pay for their education. In the seemapuri area of
Delhi. Then she takes up the case of the poor bangle makers who have been
living for generations in the dingy town of firozabaad. These people have been
exploited by all selection of society. While the elders have learnt to live
with their lot, the younger generation does have some dreams of their own. They
want to go out of their family traditions and live a better life.
पाठ की संक्षिप्त परिचय
इस पाठ में लेखिका गरीब बच्चो की दयनीय दशा का वर्णन करती है ! जिन्हे गन्दी बस्तियों में रहना पड़ता है
तथा बहुत गन्दी परस्थितियो में कठिन परिश्रम करना पड़ता है ! उन्हें कभी स्कूल नहीं भेजा जाता
है क्युकी उनके माता पिता इतने जानिब होते है की वे उनकी पढाई
का खर्च नहीं उठा पाते ! उनकी स्थिति का वर्णन करने के लिए लेखिका पहले गरीब कूड़ा बीनने
वालो का उदाहरण लेती है जो दिल्ली के सीमापुरी इलाको में बेस हुए है
! फिर वह गरीब चुडिया बनाने वालो का उदाहरण लेती है जो अनेको पीढ़ियों से फ़िरोज़ाबाद के गंदे नगर में रहते आरहे है !इन लोगो के समाज के वर्गो द्वारा शोषण किया गया है ! जबकि बुजुर्ग लोगो ने अपने भाग्य के साथ
जीवन बिताना सिख लिया है , युवा पीढ़ी के लोग कुछ अपने ही स्वप्न रखते है ! वे अपनी पारिवारिक परम्पराओ से बहार निकल आना और एक बेहतर जीवन बिताना चाहते है
MAIN POINTS OF THE LESSON, ‘’The lost spring”
This lesson has been divided
into two parts. The first part describe the Writer’s impression about the life
of poor rag pickers who have migrated from Bangladesh And have settled in the Seemapuri
area Delhi. The Second part describes the miserable life of the bangles maker
in the Town of Firozabad.
इस पाठ को दो भागो में बता गया
है ! पहला भाग कूड़ा बीनने वाले गरीब लोगो के जीवन के सम्बन्ध में लेखिका के अनुभवो
का वर्णन करता है जो बांग्लादेश से पलायन
करके आऐ है और अब दिल्ली के सीमापुरी
क्षेत्र में बस गए है ! दूसरे भाग में फ़िरोज़ाबाद के नगर म में चुडिया बनाने वाले लोगो की दयनीय दशा का वर्णन किया गया है !
The Rag pickers (कूड़ा बीनने वाले)
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1. The writer sees a boy named sahib every morning in neighborhood. The boy looks for some coins or other things in the garbage heaps.
साहेब नाम के एक लड़के को
लेखिका हर प्रातः अपने पड़ोस में देखती है ! लड़का कूड़े के ढेरो में कुछ सिक्के या
अन्य वास्तु खोज रहा था !
2. One day the writer
talks to the boy. She comes to know that these people have migrated from Bangladesh.
Their fields and Homes were swept Away by storm. They had nothing to eat. So
they came to the big city and started living there.
एक दिन लेखिका लड़के साथ बात करती
है ! उसे पता चलता है की यह लोग बांग्लादेश से आए है ! उनके खेत और घर तूफ़ानो में
बह गए थे ! उनके पास खाने को कुछ नहीं था ! इसलिए वे बड़े नगर में आ गए और वही रहने लगे !
3. The writer
told Saheb that he should go to school.
Saheb said there was on school in their neighborhood .At this, the writer said
half jokingly , “ If I start a school,will you come ?” Saheb said that he would . But the writer
had to feel small when a few days later, Saheb asked her, “Is your school ready
?’’ In fact the writer had never meant it.
लेखिका ने साहेब से कहा
उसे स्कूल जाना चाहिए ! साहेब ने कह दिया
उनके पड़ोस में कोई स्कूल नहीं था ! इस पर लेखिका ने आधे हास्य भाव से कह दिया, "यदि मई एक स्कूल खोल दू टी, तो क्या तुम आओगे ?'' साहेब ने कह दिया की वह
आया करेगा ! किन्तु लेखिका को लज्जित होना
पड़ा जब कुछ दिन के पश्चात साहेब से उससे पूछा, "क्या आपका स्कूल तैयार है ?'' वास्तव में लेखिका का ऐसा कहने का कोई भाव नहीं था !
4. There were a number of rag
pickers of like saheb . In a few months, the writer came to
the recognize each one of them .They Were all barefoot boys. With some people,
it is a tradition to go barefoot. Perhaps they use it as an excuse to conceal
their poverty.
साहेब की भाँती वह अनेको कूड़ा
बीनने वाले थे ! कुछ ही महीने में लेखिका उनमे से प्रत्येक को पहचानने लगी ! वे सब नंगे पाँव
वाले लड़के थे ! कुछ लोगो में नंगे नंगे पाँव
घूमने की परम्परा होती है ! शायद वे अपनी गरीबी को छिपाने के लिए एक बहाना के रूप
में इस्तेमाल करते है !
5. The writer comes
to know that all these barefoot rag pickers live in
seemapuri which is on the periphery of Delhi. When she goes there, She
finds that these people came from Bangladesh in 1971 and started living here in search of food. There are
about 10,000 of them. They live in structures of mud roofs of tin tarpaulin.
They live here without any facility of the sewage, drainage or running water.
लेखिका को पता चलता है की ये सभी
नंगे पाव कूड़ा बटोरने वाले कड़के सीमापुरी में रहते है जो की दिल्ली के बाहरी
हिस्से में स्थित है ! जब वह जाती है तो उसे पता चलता है की ये लोग 1971 में बांग्लादेश दे आए थे तथा भोजन की तलाश में यही
रहने गए ! वह उनमे लगभग 10,000 लोग थे ! वे मिटटी के बने ढांचे में रहते है जिनके ऊपर तीन और तिपाल की छते
है ! वे वहा मल प्रवाह नालियों
अथवा नल के पानी के बिना किसी सुविधा के रहते है !
6. Saheb tell the
writer that sometimes, he finds a ruppe or even a ten-ruppe note in the garbage
. Thus for children, garbage becomes something warped in the wonder. For the
elders, it is means of survival.
साहेब लेखिका को बताता है की कई
बार उसे कूड़े में एक रुपए या दस रुपए का नोट
भी मिल जाता है इस प्रकार कूड़ा बच्चो के लिए लिपटी हुई कोई चीज बन जाति है
! आयु में बड़े लोगो के लिए - इसका अर्थ जीवित रहने का साधन !सर्दी की एक प्रातः
लेखिका साहेब को टेनिस का खेल देखते पाती
है ! साहेब कहता की वह इस खेल को पसंद करता है ! उसने टेनिस के जुटे पहने
हुए है
जो किसी आमिर लड़के ने उतार फेके है
और उसे दे दिए है ! किन्तु वह खेल जो वह देख रहा है , उसकी पहुँच से बहार है ! साहेब चाय की एक दूकान पर काम करने लगता है ! उस आठ
सौ रुपए
और हर बार का भोजन दिया जाता है ! किन्तु अब वह स्वतंत्र नहीं है ! वह अब स्वयं का मालिक नहीं रहा !
The Bangle Makers
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1. The writer once meets a boy named Mukesh. The boy lives in Firozabad and belongs to a Family of bangle makers. Mukesh says that he does not want to go into the family profession. He has decided to become a motor mechanic.
लेखिका एक बार मुकेश नाम के लड़के से मिलती है ! यह लड़का फ़िरोज़ाबाद में रहता है और चुडिया
बनाने वाले एक परिवार से सम्बन्ध रखता है ! मुकेश कहता है की वह अपने परिवार वाला धंधा नहीं करना चाहता है उसे एक मोटर मैकेनिक
बनने का मन बना रखा है
2. Every other family in
Firozabad is engaged in making bangles. It is the centre of India’s glass
blowing industry. Families here have spent generation in making bangles.
फ़िरोज़ाबाद में हर दूसरा परिवार
चुडिया बनाने के काम में लगा हुआ है ! यह भारत में शीशा
ढालने के उधोग का केंद्र है यहाँ के परिवारों ने चुडिया बनाने में पीढ़िया
व्यतीत कर दी है !
3. About 20,000
children work in the glass furnaces of Firozabad. They have to work in very
unhealthy conditions. Their parents don’t know that it is illegal to make
children works in such places.
फ़िरोज़ाबाद की शीशा भट्टियों में
लगभग 20000 बच्चे काम करते है ! उन्हें बहुत अस्वस्थ हालतो में
काम करना होता है ! उनके माता पिता यह नहीं
जानते की ऐसी जगहों पर से काम करवाना गैर क़ानूनी है ! मुकेश लेखिका को अपने
घर लेजाने की बात करता है ! वह गर्ब सहित कहता है की उनका मकान दोबारा बांया जा रहा है
4. When the writer goes
there, she find that it is half built shack Inside, there are everywhere signs
of poverty. A frail young woman is cooking the evening meal. She is the wife of
Mukesh’s elder brother. Mukesh’s father is also there .He has been doing hard
labour for years. First he was a tailor
and then a bangle maker. Yet he has failed to renovate his house. He could not
send his to sons to school. He could only teach them the art of making bangles.
जब लेखिका वह जाती तो वह देखती है की यहाँ आधी एक झोपडी है ! अंदर
की तरफ वह हर जगह गरीबी के चिन्ह है ! एक पतली सी युवा औरत
सयंगकाल का भोजन पका रही है वह मुकेश के बड़े भाई की पत्नी है ! मुकेश का
पिता भी वहा पे हैं वह वर्षो से कठिन परिश्रम करता आरहा है ! पहले जब वह एक दरजी
का काम करता था और फिर चुडिया बनाने का ! तो भी वह अपने घर को ठीक ठाक करवाने में
असफल रहा है ! वह अपने दो बेटो को स्कूल न भेज सका ! वह उन्हें केवल चुडिया बनाने
का काम ही सीखा सका !
5. Mukesh’s
Grandmother says that is was all in their destiny. Her husband has gone blind
with the dust from polishing the glass bangles. She says that they were born in
the caste of bangle makers and have seen nothing but bangles in the their life.
Boys and girls in all such Families have to work with their father and mothers.
They have to work in dark hutments. Their eyes are more adjusted to the
dark than to the light outside. Thus
they lose their eyesight even before
they becomes adult.
मुकेश की दीदी कहती है की यह सब
उनके भाग्य में था ! उसका पति चूडियो को
पालिश करने से उड़ने वाली धूल से अँधा हो गया है ! वह कहती है की उनका जन्म चुडिया
बनाने वालो की जात में हुआ था और उन्होंने अपने जीवन में चूडियो के अतिरिक्त और
कुछ नहीं देखा है इस तरह के सभी परिवारों
में लड़को था लड़कियों को अपने पिताओ और माताओ
के साथ मिलकर काम करना पड़ता है ! उन्हें अँधेरी झोपड़ियों में काम करना पड़ता है ! उनकी आंखे बहार की
रौशनी की अपेक्षा अँधेरे की ज्यादा आदि हो
जाती है इस तरह वे युवा होने से पहले ही आँखों की रौशनी को खो बैठते हैं !
6. The writer sees a
girl named Savita in another hutments. She is sitting with an elderly women and
soldering pieces of glass. She doesn’t know that the bangles she is making are
symbols of an Indian woman’s suhaag. The old wwoman sitting beside her still
has bangles on her wrist, but there is no light in
her eyes. She says that she has not enjoyed even one full meal all her life.
Her old husband says that he knows nothing expect bangles. However, he feels
some consolation to say that he has made a house for this family to live in.
लेखिका एक अन्य झोपडी में सविता
नाम की एक लड़की को देखती है ! यह एक बुजुर्ग औरत के साथ बैठी हुई और शीशे के टुकड़े को जोड़ रही है वह नहीं जानती
जो चुडिया वह बना रही है , एक भारतीय औरत के सुहाग
का चिन्ह है ुश्कि बगल में बैठी बूढ़ी औरत की कलाई पर अब भी चुडिया है किन्तु
उसकी आँखों में कोई चमक नही है वह कहती की उसने अपने पुरे जीवन में एक बार भी
भरपेट खाना नहीं खाया है ! उसका बूढ़ा पति कहता है की वह चूडियो के अलावा किसी अन्य
चीजों के बारे में नहीं जानता फिरभी उसे
यह कहने से कुछ तसल्ली मिलती है की उसने अपने परिवार के रहने के लिए एक घर बनवा
लिया है
7. The writer says
that the cry of poverty rings in every home in Firozabad. These poor people are
exploited by Sahukars , policemen, middlemen, bureaucrats and politicians. They
have come to accept their poverty and explanation as something natural.
लेखिका कहती है की फ़िरोज़ाबाद के
गरीबी की चीख हर घर मेसुनै देती है ! इन गरीब लोगो का शोषण साहूकारों , पुलिस वालो ,अफसरशाहों और राजनीतिज्ञयो के द्वारा किया जाता है ! वे अपनी गरीबी
और अपने शोषण को साधाहरण बात मानने लगे
हैं !
8. The writer fells happy
that Mukesh has decided to break away from this vicious circle. He had decided
to go to a garage and learn the job of a motor mechanic. Thus he will one day
be his Own master.
लेखिका को इस बात
से प्रसन्नता होती है की मुकेश ने इस कुचक्र से बाहर निकलने का निश्चय
कर लिया है !उसने निर्णय कर लिया है की वह एक गैरेज में जायेगा और वहा एक
मोटर मैकेनिक का काम सीखेगा ! इस तरह वह अपना स्वामी बन पायेगा !
Important Textual Questions And Answers:-
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The Lost Spring -Important Questions - Answers for Board Exams |
Question 1. What is Saheb looking for in the garbage dumps? Where is he and where has he come from?
Answer:-Saheb is
looking for coins and rupee note in the garbage dumps. Sometimes he finds a
rupee, even a ten rupee note or a silve coin. There is always hope of finding
more. He is in Seemapuri. Saheb has come from Bangladesh. He came with his
mother in 1971. His house was set amidst the green fields of Dhaka. Storms
swept away their fields and homes. So they left it.
Question 2. How is Mukesh’s attitude to his situation different from that of his family?
Answer:- Mukesh belongs to a poor family of bangle-makers. But his attitude is very different from his family. He wants to break the family tradition of bangle making. He is daring and determined. He has hopes and dreams. He wants to be a motor mechanic.
Question 2. How is Mukesh’s attitude to his situation different from that of his family?
Answer:- Mukesh belongs to a poor family of bangle-makers. But his attitude is very different from his family. He wants to break the family tradition of bangle making. He is daring and determined. He has hopes and dreams. He wants to be a motor mechanic.
the Text
Question 1. What could be some of the reasons for the migration of people from villages to cities?
Answer:-There are many factors that cause migration of people from villages to cities. Some villagers voluntarily move to the cities in search for jobs and better civic and health facilities, etc. Others are forced to migrate when natural disasters like flood, storm, drought, famine, etc. destroy their houses and properties. History has records of large scale migrations caused by wars. Also, many villagers who are better off than others manage to send their children to study in the cities.
In the lesson ‘Lost Spring’, Saheb and his family migrates to Seemapuri from Dhaka after their houses were destroyed in the storms.
Question 2. Would you agree that promises made to poor children are rarely kept? Why do you think this happens in the incidents narrated in the text?
Answer:- Yes, the promises made to poor children are rarely kept. Often, they are not taken seriously or have been made on the pretext of retaining a child’s fancy for something. This keeps the child hoping for a better possibility till he/she realises the truth. It is difficult for people to shatter the children’s dreams; while it is also painful to see these children thrive of false hopes given to them.Once, while interacting with Saheb, the narrator ends up encouraging him to study and jokingly talks about opening a school herself. At that time she fails to realise that unknowingly she has sown a seed of hope in Saheb’s heart. She becomes conscious of her mistake when, after a few days, Saheb approaches her, enquiring about her school. Her hollow promise leaves her embarrassed.
Question 3. What forces conspire to keep the workers in the bangle industry of Firozabad in poverty?
Answer:- The unfavourable social and legal systems, the deceptive middlemen, and their own sad destinies keep the workers in the bangle industry of Firozabad in perpetual poverty.
Question 1. What could be some of the reasons for the migration of people from villages to cities?
Answer:-There are many factors that cause migration of people from villages to cities. Some villagers voluntarily move to the cities in search for jobs and better civic and health facilities, etc. Others are forced to migrate when natural disasters like flood, storm, drought, famine, etc. destroy their houses and properties. History has records of large scale migrations caused by wars. Also, many villagers who are better off than others manage to send their children to study in the cities.
In the lesson ‘Lost Spring’, Saheb and his family migrates to Seemapuri from Dhaka after their houses were destroyed in the storms.
Question 2. Would you agree that promises made to poor children are rarely kept? Why do you think this happens in the incidents narrated in the text?
Answer:- Yes, the promises made to poor children are rarely kept. Often, they are not taken seriously or have been made on the pretext of retaining a child’s fancy for something. This keeps the child hoping for a better possibility till he/she realises the truth. It is difficult for people to shatter the children’s dreams; while it is also painful to see these children thrive of false hopes given to them.Once, while interacting with Saheb, the narrator ends up encouraging him to study and jokingly talks about opening a school herself. At that time she fails to realise that unknowingly she has sown a seed of hope in Saheb’s heart. She becomes conscious of her mistake when, after a few days, Saheb approaches her, enquiring about her school. Her hollow promise leaves her embarrassed.
Question 3. What forces conspire to keep the workers in the bangle industry of Firozabad in poverty?
Answer:- The unfavourable social and legal systems, the deceptive middlemen, and their own sad destinies keep the workers in the bangle industry of Firozabad in perpetual poverty.
Talking about the Text
Question 1. How, in your opinion, can Mukesh realise his dream?
Answer:- Mukesh was different from the others of his community. By daring to dream, he has already taken the first step towards a big change. He wants to become a motor mechanic and drive a car. He can realise this dream with determination and hard work. There might be many obstacles on his way but a strong willpower will help him move towards the way to success. The fact that he is willing to walk a long distance in order to learn the vocation, underlines his firm resolve. The only thing left for him to do is to make that first journey to that garage and request the owner to take him in and guide and direct him on his journey as a mechanic.
Question 2. Mention the hazards of working in the glass bangles industry.
Answer:- The impoverished workers in the glass bangles industry toil in potentially hazardous working conditions while welding. The furnaces they work in have extremely high temperature and lack proper ventilation. Persistently working in low light conditions, without any protective eye gear, leaves them blind. Even burns and cuts are quite common. The workers are quite prone to ailments such as lung cancer.
Question 3. Why should child labour be eliminated and how?
Question 1. How, in your opinion, can Mukesh realise his dream?
Answer:- Mukesh was different from the others of his community. By daring to dream, he has already taken the first step towards a big change. He wants to become a motor mechanic and drive a car. He can realise this dream with determination and hard work. There might be many obstacles on his way but a strong willpower will help him move towards the way to success. The fact that he is willing to walk a long distance in order to learn the vocation, underlines his firm resolve. The only thing left for him to do is to make that first journey to that garage and request the owner to take him in and guide and direct him on his journey as a mechanic.
Question 2. Mention the hazards of working in the glass bangles industry.
Answer:- The impoverished workers in the glass bangles industry toil in potentially hazardous working conditions while welding. The furnaces they work in have extremely high temperature and lack proper ventilation. Persistently working in low light conditions, without any protective eye gear, leaves them blind. Even burns and cuts are quite common. The workers are quite prone to ailments such as lung cancer.
Question 3. Why should child labour be eliminated and how?
Answer:- Child labour should be eliminated because it takes away
from the child his childhood and the prospect of elementary education.
Moreover, since the child labourers are cheap, and consequently engaged in
hazardous and dangerous employment, they are often vulnerable to mental and
physical illness. In order to curb this problem, it is important to make
education easily accessible. Apart from that, the parents must be made aware of
the consequences of working in harmful environments. It is also important to
make the public aware of the fact that child labour is a criminal offence and
is punishable under law. The government must ensure stricter child labour laws
and that the offenders are punished.
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Marks, 30-40
Question.1. To which country did Saheb’s parents originally belong? Why did
they come to
India? (2014)
Why did Saheb’s parents leave Dhaka and migrate to India? (2014)
Why had the ragpickers come to live in Seemapuri? (2014)
Answer. Saheb’s parents belonged to Dhaka in Bangladesh, where they lived amidst green fields. They and the other ragpickers left their homes many years ago and migrated to India in search of a livelihood, as their homes and fields were destroyed in storms. This forced them to come to India, where they settled in the slums of Seemapuri.
India? (2014)
Why did Saheb’s parents leave Dhaka and migrate to India? (2014)
Why had the ragpickers come to live in Seemapuri? (2014)
Answer. Saheb’s parents belonged to Dhaka in Bangladesh, where they lived amidst green fields. They and the other ragpickers left their homes many years ago and migrated to India in search of a livelihood, as their homes and fields were destroyed in storms. This forced them to come to India, where they settled in the slums of Seemapuri.
Question.2. What job did Saheb take up? Was he happy? (2014 Modified)
Answer. Saheb took up work at a tea stall, where he had to perform several odd jobs, including getting milk from the milk booth. He was not happy, as he had lost his independence. Though he earned ? 800, and got all his meals free, he was no longer his own master.
Answer. Saheb took up work at a tea stall, where he had to perform several odd jobs, including getting milk from the milk booth. He was not happy, as he had lost his independence. Though he earned ? 800, and got all his meals free, he was no longer his own master.
Question.3. In what sense is garbage gold to the ragpickers? ( 2014)
Garbage to them is gold; why does the author say so
about the ragpickers? ( 2008)Answer. Garbage is gold to the ragpickers of Seemapuri because it provides them items which can be sold for cash, which can buy them food and is a means of survival. Moreover, it is gold also because the ragpickers can find stray coins and currency notes in it.
Question.4. How is Mukesh different
from the other bangle makers of Firozabad? (2014; Modified)
Answer. Mukesh has the courage to dream big in spite of all adversity, whereas the other bangle makers of Firozabad have resigned to their fate, and have suppressed all their hopes and desires. Mukesh refuses to follow the ‘God-given lineage’ of bangle making and wants to be a motor mechanic when he grows up.
Answer. Mukesh has the courage to dream big in spite of all adversity, whereas the other bangle makers of Firozabad have resigned to their fate, and have suppressed all their hopes and desires. Mukesh refuses to follow the ‘God-given lineage’ of bangle making and wants to be a motor mechanic when he grows up.
Question.5. Whom does Anees Jung blame for the sorry plight of the bangle
makers? (2014)
Answer. Anees Jung blames the middlemen, the policemen, the lawmakers, the bureaucrats and the politicians for the sorry plight of the bangle makers. These people conspire against and exploit the poor bangle makers. They pay them meagre wages, do not let them form co-operatives, and compel their children to join the same trade at an early age.
Answer. Anees Jung blames the middlemen, the policemen, the lawmakers, the bureaucrats and the politicians for the sorry plight of the bangle makers. These people conspire against and exploit the poor bangle makers. They pay them meagre wages, do not let them form co-operatives, and compel their children to join the same trade at an early age.
Question.6. What is Mukesh’s dream? Do you think he will be able to fulfil his
dream? Why? Why
not? (2014)
not? (2014)
What was Mukesh’s dream? In your opinion, did he achieve
his dream? (2009)
Is it possible for Mukesh to realise his dream? Justify
your answer. (2009)Answer. Mukesh’s dream is to become a motor-mechanic. It is no doubt difficult for Mukesh to achieve his dream, as he is torn between his desires and his family tradition, which he cannot escape. Besides, he has to face a number of obstacles in the form of sahukars, middlemen, bureaucrats, law makers, politicians etc. However, his will to work hard, and his strong determination could make him achieve his dream. ‘
Question.7. In spite of despair and
disease pervading the lives of the slum children, they are not
devoid of hope. How far do you agree? ( 2013)
Answer. In spite of growing up amidst despair and disease, children who live in the slum have the desire to achieve something big in life, like Mukesh. This shows that they are not devoid of hope. Saheb, a ragpicker, is eager to go to a school and learn. Mukesh, who works in dark, dingy cells making bangles, dreams of becoming a motor mechanic, which is very much against his family traditlbn.
devoid of hope. How far do you agree? ( 2013)
Answer. In spite of growing up amidst despair and disease, children who live in the slum have the desire to achieve something big in life, like Mukesh. This shows that they are not devoid of hope. Saheb, a ragpicker, is eager to go to a school and learn. Mukesh, who works in dark, dingy cells making bangles, dreams of becoming a motor mechanic, which is very much against his family traditlbn.
Question.8. Who is Mukesh? What is his dream? (2012)
Answer. Mukesh is a child labourer who Works in a glass bangle making factory that is situated in Firozabad. Though Mukesh belongs to a poor family which is engaged in bangle making, he dreams of becoming a motor mechanic when he grows up.
Answer. Mukesh is a child labourer who Works in a glass bangle making factory that is situated in Firozabad. Though Mukesh belongs to a poor family which is engaged in bangle making, he dreams of becoming a motor mechanic when he grows up.
Question.9. Why could the bangle
makers not organise themselves into a cooperative? (All India 2012)
Answer. The bangle makers could not organize themselves into a cooperative because they were trapped in the vicious circle of sahukars, middlemen, policemen, up bureaucrats and politicians. If they tried to organize themselves, they would be beaten by up the police and put in jail.
Answer. The bangle makers could not organize themselves into a cooperative because they were trapped in the vicious circle of sahukars, middlemen, policemen, up bureaucrats and politicians. If they tried to organize themselves, they would be beaten by up the police and put in jail.
Question.10. Mention any two hazards of working in the bangle industry.
(Foreign 2011)
Answer. The glass bangle industry offers a very unhealthy and hazardous environment to the people working in it. They have to work in the glass furnaces with high temperature in dingy cells
without air and light. Workers, including child labours, lose their eyesight at an early age.
Slogging for long, relentless hours also has adverse effects on their bodies.
Answer. The glass bangle industry offers a very unhealthy and hazardous environment to the people working in it. They have to work in the glass furnaces with high temperature in dingy cells
without air and light. Workers, including child labours, lose their eyesight at an early age.
Slogging for long, relentless hours also has adverse effects on their bodies.
Question.11. Why does the author say
that the bangle makers are caught in a vicious web?(2010)
Answer. The bangle makers in Firozabad are exploited at the hands of the Sahukars, middlemen, policemen, law makers, bureaucrats and politicians. They toil day and night, but are not
paid appropriate wages and are steeped in poverty. They cannot form cooperatives for their betterment. Moreover, their children are also compelled to join the same trade at an early age and cannot dare to take up any other profession.
Answer. The bangle makers in Firozabad are exploited at the hands of the Sahukars, middlemen, policemen, law makers, bureaucrats and politicians. They toil day and night, but are not
paid appropriate wages and are steeped in poverty. They cannot form cooperatives for their betterment. Moreover, their children are also compelled to join the same trade at an early age and cannot dare to take up any other profession.
Question.12. Is Saheb happy working at the tea stall? How do you know? (2010)
Answer. Saheb is not happy working at the tea stall. He is paid a fixed wage of Rs 800, and also receives all his meals free. But the author notices that his face has lost its carefree look, which makes it evident that he is not happy. He has lost his independence, and is no longer his own master.
Answer. Saheb is not happy working at the tea stall. He is paid a fixed wage of Rs 800, and also receives all his meals free. But the author notices that his face has lost its carefree look, which makes it evident that he is not happy. He has lost his independence, and is no longer his own master.
Long Answer Type Questions (6 Marks, 120-150 words)
Question.1. Give a brief account of life and activities of the people like
Saheb-e-Alam settled in
Seemapuri. ( 2011)
Answer. The author’s acquaintance with Saheb and other barefoot ragpickers introduced her to Seemapuri. It is a slum area located on the periphery of Delhi. The residents of Seemapuri consist of people who left Bangladesh in the 1971 War and are basically refugees. Saheb’s family is among them. The area does not have facilities of sewage, drainage or running water. About 10000 ragpickers live here. Their only means of livelihood is ragpicking, and they treat rags as valuable as gold. These ragpickers have lived here for more than thirty years without any identity. They do not have permits but have ration cards, with which they can get their names on the voter’s list and also buy grains at subsidised rates.
Seemapuri. ( 2011)
Answer. The author’s acquaintance with Saheb and other barefoot ragpickers introduced her to Seemapuri. It is a slum area located on the periphery of Delhi. The residents of Seemapuri consist of people who left Bangladesh in the 1971 War and are basically refugees. Saheb’s family is among them. The area does not have facilities of sewage, drainage or running water. About 10000 ragpickers live here. Their only means of livelihood is ragpicking, and they treat rags as valuable as gold. These ragpickers have lived here for more than thirty years without any identity. They do not have permits but have ration cards, with which they can get their names on the voter’s list and also buy grains at subsidised rates.
Question.2.’Lost Spring’ explains
the grinding poverty and traditions that condemn thousands of people
to a life of abject poverty. Do you agree? Why/Why not? (All India 2011)
Answer. ‘Lost Spring’ is a good narration of grinding poverty and traditions to which thousands of people have succumbed. The story revolves around the pitiable condition of poor children who have been forced to live in slums and work hard in dirty conditions. The story is divided into two parts. The first part tells the writer’s impression about the life of poor ragpickers who have migrated froin Bangladesh, but now have settled in the Seemapuri area of Delhi.
The second part narrates the miserable life of the bangle makers in the town of Firozabad. The stark reality of these families is that in spite of back-breaking hard work that they put in, they cannot have two square meals a day. Besides, they are victims of exploitation by those above them and also suffer the consequences of blind belief in traditions.
Answer. ‘Lost Spring’ is a good narration of grinding poverty and traditions to which thousands of people have succumbed. The story revolves around the pitiable condition of poor children who have been forced to live in slums and work hard in dirty conditions. The story is divided into two parts. The first part tells the writer’s impression about the life of poor ragpickers who have migrated froin Bangladesh, but now have settled in the Seemapuri area of Delhi.
The second part narrates the miserable life of the bangle makers in the town of Firozabad. The stark reality of these families is that in spite of back-breaking hard work that they put in, they cannot have two square meals a day. Besides, they are victims of exploitation by those above them and also suffer the consequences of blind belief in traditions.
Question.3. The bangle makers of
Firozabad make beautiful bangles and make everyone happy but
they live and die in squalor. Elaborate.
( 2010)
Answer. Firozabad is the hub of India’s glass-blowing industry where families have spent generations making bangles to adorn married women. The stark reality of these families is that in spite of the back breaking hard work that they put in, they cannot have two square meals a day.
They work in deplorable conditions and many lose their eyesight early. To top it all, they live in unhygienic conditions where there is a lack of basic amenities too.
The sad reality is that the workers cannot organize themselves into a cooperative. They are devoid of all enthusiasm and do not dare to dream of anything better. The fear of the police and lack of leadership among themselves have confined them to a vicious circle of poverty, indifference and greed. Thus, while they bring happiness to everyone’s life, their own life is steeped in poverty and squalor.
Answer. Firozabad is the hub of India’s glass-blowing industry where families have spent generations making bangles to adorn married women. The stark reality of these families is that in spite of the back breaking hard work that they put in, they cannot have two square meals a day.
They work in deplorable conditions and many lose their eyesight early. To top it all, they live in unhygienic conditions where there is a lack of basic amenities too.
The sad reality is that the workers cannot organize themselves into a cooperative. They are devoid of all enthusiasm and do not dare to dream of anything better. The fear of the police and lack of leadership among themselves have confined them to a vicious circle of poverty, indifference and greed. Thus, while they bring happiness to everyone’s life, their own life is steeped in poverty and squalor.
Have amazing experience to read the Hindi explaination.Thank you so much dude❤️.
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