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Sunday, May 26, 2019

THE LAST LESSON FULL (Summary) EXPLANATION BOTH (HINDI –ENGLISH) ! THE LAST LESSON’S MAIN POINTS ! पाईये १२ कक्षा के English ke Chapter “The last lesson” की पपूर्ण व्याख्या (हिंदी और इंग्लिश में)!

THE LAST LESSON FULL (Summary) EXPLANATION BOTH (HINDI –ENGLISH) ! THE LAST LESSON’S MAIN POINTS ! पाईये  १२  कक्षा  के English ke Chapter “The last lesson” की पूर्ण व्याख्या (हिंदी और इंग्लिश में)- written by Abhishek chauhan@

Chapter 1. The last lesson  (Alphonse Daudet)

"The last Lesson Full summary ! Class 12th The last lesson important-questions-answers !The last lesson main points full Explanation.The Last lesson -Textual questions -answers,And full explanation In Hindi -English"

Brief Introduction to the Lesson

The Prussian forces under Bismarck attacked france in the year 1870. All the Germen stood by Prussia and france was defeated. The franch district of Alsace and Lorraine passed into Prussian hands. Prussian rules disallowed the teaching of French in the school of these two districts. The French teacher in these schools were asked to leave . This story described the last day of one such French teacher in this school, he gives his last lesson to his students with as much derivation and sincerity as ever. The  brings out the pathos of the whole situation and also depicts the quiet dignity of the French teacher, named Mr Hamel.

पाठ  का   संक्षिप्त  परिचय

प्रशियाई सेनाओ ने बिस्मार्क के अधीन वर्ष 1870 में फ्रांस पर आक्रमण कर दिया ! सभी जर्मनी वासियो से प्रशियाई  का साथ दिया और फ़्रांस की पराजय हो गई ! एल्सेस  तथा लोरस नामक फ़्रांस के दो भाग प्रशियाई  के आधीकार  में आगया  ! नए प्रशियाई  शासको ने इन दोनों भागो के स्कूलों में फ्रांसीसी भाषा  का पढ़ाया  जाना निशिद्ध  कर दिया  ! इन स्कूलों के फ्रांसीसी भाषा पढ़ने वाले अध्यापको  को चले जाने का लिए कह दिया गया ! इस कहानी में ऐसे ही एक फ्रांसिसी  भाषा के अध्यापक के आने स्कूल में अंतिम दिन का वर्णन किया गया है ! यद्यपि  वह जनता है की उसका स्थानांतरण  हो चूका है और अब वह अपने पुराने स्कूल में और अधिक नहीं रहेगा , वह वह अपने विद्यार्थियों को अपना अंतिम पाठ उतनी ही लगन और श्रद्धा के साथ पढ़ता है जैसे वह सदा किया करता था ! कहानी पूरी स्थिति कारुणिकता  को व्यक्त करता है  तथा  मिस्टर हेमल  नामक फ्रांसीसी अध्यापक की शांति गरिमा को भी दिखाती है !


1. It is the story of a school teacher who taught French in district of French. The district has been       captured by the  Prussian (German) army. All teaching of the French language was disallowed in the schools of this district. French teachers were asked to leave their schools. This story describes the last lesson of one such teacher . the story is narrator by  a little student named franz in the teachers class.
यह एक स्कूली अध्यापक की कहानी है जो फ्रांसीसी भाषा पढ़ाया करता था इस प्रान्त को प्रशियाई (जर्मन ) सेना ने जीत लिया था ! इस प्रान्त के सभी स्कूलों में फ्रांसीसी भाषा के पढ़ाये जाने को वर्जित कर दिया गया था ! फ्रांसीसी पढ़ने वाले अध्यापको  को अपने स्कूल छोड़ कर चले जाने को कह दिया गया था ! यह कहानी इसी तरह एक अध्यापक द्वारा पढ़ाये जाने वाले अंतिम पाठ का वर्णन किया गया है ! कहानी अध्यपाक के कक्षा के  फ्रेंज़ नामक एक छोटे  विद्यार्थी के  द्वारा बताई गयी है
2. Little franz was late for school that morning . He was afraid that the teacher would scold him.He was also afraid because the teacher was to ask question on participles and he didn’t know a word about them.
उस प्रातः नन्हे फ्रांज़ को स्कूल से देरी हो गयी थी ! वह डरता था की  अध्यापक उसे डाटेंगे ! वह इसलिए भी डरता था क्युोकी अध्यापक को  कृदंतो के बारे में  प्रश्न  पूछने थे  और उसे उनके बारे में एक शब्द नहीं आता था  !
3.  The little franz thought of running away and spending the day out of doors. He  saw the Prussian the soldiers drilling in the open field . Watching them seemed to him to be far more tempting than the rule for participle. However, he hurried off to school.
नन्हे  फ्रांज़ के मन में   भाग जाने और दिन को खुले में ही बिताने का विचार आया ! उसने खुले मैदान में प्रशियाई सैनिको को ड्रिल करते हुए  देखा ! उन्हें देखना  उसे  कृदंतो के नियम की अपेक्षा कही ज्यादा आकर्षक प्रतीत हुआ ! फिर भी वह जल्दी जल्दी स्कूल की ओर  चल दिया !
4.  On his way , little franz passed by the town hall .He saw a crowd of people in front of the bulletin board. When little franz reached his school , it was all very quiet , There were none of the usual noises .It was as quiet as Sunday  morning . All  his classmates were already in their seats. The teacher M Hamel ,was walking up and down .He had his terrible iron ruler under his arm.
अपने रास्ते  में नन्हा फ्रांज़ टाउन हॉल के पास से गुजरा ! उसने  समाचार -बोर्ड के सामने लोगो की एक भीड़ को खड़े हुए देखा ! जब नन्हा फ्रांज़ अपने स्कूल पंहुचा तो सब बिलकुल शान था वहां  पहले जैसा कोई शोर नहीं था ! वहा  इतनी शांति थी जितनी रविवार की प्रातः को होती है ! उसके सभी सहपाठी पहले ही अपने अपनी सीटों में बैठे हुए थे !अध्यापक मिस्टर हेमल ऊपर निचे चक्कर काट रहे थे ! उन्होंने अपना भयानक लोहे का डंडा अपनी बहो के निचे रखा हुवा था !
5.  Little Franz opened the door and went in. He was very frightened , but to his surprise Mr Hamel said very kindly ,  ‘’Go to your Place quickly , Little franz,’’

नन्हे फ्रांज़ ने दरवाजा खोला और अंदर चला गया ! वह बहुत डरा हुवा था किन्तु उसे बहुत हैरानी हुई जब मिस्टर हेमल ने उसे बहुत दयालुता  पूर्वक कहा " नन्हे फ्रांज़ '' जल्दी से अपनी सीट पे चले जाओ
6.  Frenz saw that the teacher was in one of his best dresses, the one he wore only on inspection or prize days.And at the back of the class, the village people were sitting quietly.Eveybody looked sad. Franz wondered what it was all about.
फ्रांज़ ने देखा अध्यापक ने अपनी सबसे सूंदर पोशाक पहनी हुई थी  ,वह पोषक जो केवल मिस्टर हेमल इंस्पेक्शन और पुरस्कार वितरण वाले दिनों को पहना करते थे तथा श्रेणी के पीछे की तरफ गांव के लोग ख़ामोशी में बैठे हुए थे !प्रत्येक व्यक्ति उदास दिखाई दे रहा था !फ्रांज़ हैरान था की यह सब क्या था !
7.  Mr.Hamel began in very grave and gentle tone ,”my children, this last lesson I shall give you. The order has come from Berlin to reach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine . The new master comes tomorrow. This is your last French lesson . I want you to be very attentive.’’
मिस्टर हेमल ने एक बहुत गंभीर और कोमल स्वर में  कहना शुरू किया ,"मेरे प्यारे बच्चो ,यह अंतिम पाठ है ! जो मैं आपको पढ़ाऊंगा ! बर्लिन से एक आदेश प्राप्त हुआ है अल्सेस और लॉरेन्स के स्कूलो में केवल जर्मन भाषा पढाई जाए ! नया अध्यापक कल आ रहा है  ! यह आपका फ्रांसीसी का  अंतिम पाठ होगा ! मैं चाहता हूँ की आप बहुत ध्यान से सुने !''
8.  Now for the first time , little franz began to feel sorry for not being serious in his lessons. He was also sad that he would never see Mr Hamel again. He forget all about his ruler and cranky nature. Now franz understood why Mr Hamel was in his best clothes. He also understood why the old men of the village were sitting there. They had come to show their respect for Mr Hamel’s forty year’’s of faithful service.
अब पहली बार नन्हे फ्रांज़ को अफ़सोस होने लगा की वह अपने पाठ गंभीरता से नहीं लेता था ! वह इसलिए भी उदास था की वह मिस्टर हेमल को फिर कभी देख नहीं पायेगा ! वह उसके रूलर और विचित्र स्वभाव के बारे में सब भूल गया ! अब  फ्रांज़ समझ गया की मिस्टर हेमल ने किस लिए अपने सर्वोत्तम वस्त्र पहने हुए थे ! वह यह बात भी समझ गया की गांव के बुजुर्ग लोग वह क्यों बैठे थे !वे मिस्टर हेमल के चालीस वर्ष की वफादारी -भरी सेवा के प्रति अपना सम्मान व्यक्त करने के लिए आये हुए थे !
9.  Mr Hamel asked to recite the rule for the participles .Franz got mixed up on the first words , but Mr Hamel didn’t scold him. He only said , ‘ you pretend to be Frenchmen, and yet you can neither speak nor write your own language. But you’re not the worst, little Franz. We’ve all a great deal to reproach ourselves with. ‘Then he spoke in details about the Franz languages and said that it was the best language in the world.
मिस्टर हेमल फ्रांज़ से कहा की वह कृदंतो का नियम बोलकर सुनाये ! फ्रांज़ पहले शब्द में ही उलझ गया , किन्तु मिस्टर हेमल ने उसे डाटा नहीं ! उसने केवल इतना कहा ,''आप फ्रांसीसी होने का पाखंड करते है और फिरभी आप अपनी भाषा न बोल  सकते है और न ही लिख सकते है ! लेकिन नन्हे फ्रांज़ तुम सबसे बुरे नहीं हो ! हम सबके पास स्वयं को कोसने के लिए बहुत कुछ है !" फिर उसने फ्रांसीसी भाषा  के बारे में विस्तार से बात की और कहा की यह संसार की सबसे उत्तम भाषा  है
10.  Mr Hamel opened a grammar book and gave his last lesson to the class. Little Franz was amazed to see that he understood every word of it. Mr Hamel explained with great patience. After the grammar, he gave a practice in writing. While  the students were busy with their writing , Mr Hamel gazed at everything in the classroom. It was as if he wanted to fix  everything in his mind. It must have broken his heart to think that he was to leave it all.
मिस्टर हेमल ने व्याकरण की एक  पुस्तक खोली और कक्षा को अपना अंतिम पाठ समझाया ! नन्हे फ्रांज़  को यह देख कर बड़ी हैरानी हुई की उसे उसका प्रत्येक शब्द समझ आ रहा था ! मिस्टर हेमल से प्रत्येक बात को धैर्यपूर्वक समझाया ! व्याकरण के बाद उसने लिखने का अभ्यास कराया ! जिस दौरान विद्यार्थी अपने लिखने के काम में व्यस्त थे  , मिस्टर हेमल उस छोटी सी कक्षा के कमरे में प्रत्येक चीज को बहुत टकटकी लगाए देखता रहा ! ऐसा लगता था मनो वह पप्रत्येक चीज को अपने मन में स्थापित काट लेना चाहता हो  !
11.  All at once, the church clock struck twelve. The sounds of midday prayer were heard. At the same moment, the trumpets of the Prussian retuning from drill were heard. Mr Hamel stood up to say something, but couldn’t . He was choked with emotions. He took a piece of chalk and wrote on the blackboard, as large as he could, ‘ Long Live Franz !’’
अचानक गिरजे की घडी में बारह बजने की आवाज आई ! दोपहरी प्राथना की आवाजे सुनाई दी ! उसी समय  प्रशियाई सैनिको के नगाड़ो की सुनाई दी जो ड्रिल से लौट रहे थे ! मिस्टर हेमल कुछ कहने के लिए उठे किन्तु  कुछ बोल नहीं पाए भावनाओ के कारण उनका कंठ भर आया था ! उन्होंने अचानक एक चाक का टुकड़ा लिया और  ब्लैकबोर्ड  के ऊपर जितना बड़ा लिख सकता था , लिख दिया  '' फ़्रांस  चिरकाल  तक  जीवित रहे ! ''
इस कहानी से हमें यह शिक्षा मिलती है की हमें अपने अध्यापको की आज्ञा का पालन करना चाहिए ! उनकी हर बात माननी चाहिए ! अध्यापक जो पढ़ाते हैं उसे ध्यान पूर्वक सीखना और समझना चाहिए !

Important Textual Questions And Answers:-

Q1. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?
Ans:  That day Franz was expected to be prepared with participles because M. Hamel had said that he would question them on participles. Franz did not know anything about participles.
Q2. What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day?
Ans: Usually, when school began, there was a great bustle, which could be heard out in the street. But it was all very still that day. Everything was as quiet as Sunday morning. There was no opening or closing of desks. His classmates were already in their places. The teacher’s great ruler instead of rapping on the table, was under M. Hamel’s arm.
Q3. What had been put up on the bulletin-board?
Ans: For the last two years all the bad news had come from the bulletin-board. An order had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The Germans had put up this notice on the bulletin-board.
Q4. What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day?
Ans: M. Hamel had put on his best dress—his beautiful green coat, his frilled shirt and the little black silk cap, all embroidered. The whole school seemed so strange and solemn. On the back benches that were always empty, the elderly village people were sitting quietly like the kids.
Q5. How did Franz’s feelings about M. Hamel and school change?
Ans: Franz came to know that it was the last lesson in French that M. Hamel would give them. From the next day they will be taught only German. Then he felt sorry for not learning his lessons properly. His books, which seemed a nuisance and a burden earlier were now old friends. His feelings about M. Hamel also changed. He forgot all about his ruler and how cranky he was.


Q1. The people? in this story suddenly realise how1 precious their language is to them. What shows you this? Why does this happen?
Ans: M. Hamel told the students and villagers that henceforth only German would be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. Those who called themselves Frenchmen would neither be able to speak nor write it. He praised French as the most beautiful, the clearest and most logical language in the world. He said that for the enslaved people, their language was the key to their prison. Then the people realised how precious their language was to them. This shows people’s love for their own culture, traditions and country. Pride in one’s language reflects pride in the motherland.
Q2. Franz thinks, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeonsT’ What could this mean?(There could he more than one answer.)
Ans: This comment of Franz shows a Frenchman’s typical reaction to the imposition of learning German, the language of the conquerors. Being deprived of the learning of mother tongue would mean cutting off all bonds with the motherland. Teaching the pigeons to sing in German indicates how far the Germans would go in their attempts of linguistic chauvinism.


Q1. “When a people are en slaved, as long as th ey hold fast to their language it is as if they had the key to their prison.”
Can you think of examples in history where a conquered people had their lan¬guage taken away from them or had a language imposed on them?
Ans: Mother tongue helps a person to express his feelings and thoughts most lucidly and intimately. Conquerors try to subdue and control the people of the enslaved territory by enforcing many measures such as use of force to crush dissent and imposing their own language on them.From time immemorial the victorious nations have imposed their own language on the conquered people and taken away their own language from them. The Romans conquered many parts of Europe and replaced the local languages by their own language— Latin. Later on Spanish, Pourtuguese, Italian and French developed from Latin. The Muslim invaders imposed Arabic and Persian in the countries of Asia overpowered by them. In many Arab countries the local religion and language have disappeared. In India, a new language Urdu developed from the mixture of Persian and Hindi.
Q2. What happens to a linguistic minority in a state? How do you think they can keep their language alive? For example:
Punjabis in     Bangalore
Tamilians in   Mumbai
Kannadigas in  Delhi
Gujaratis in     Kolkata

Ans. The linguistic minority in any state is easily marked and faces the same discrimination as the religious, social or ethnic minorities. There is, however, a pronounced difference in the treatment meted out and the level of acceptance displayed by the majority community in that region/city. Some cities like Delhi, Mumbai are cosmopolitan in outlook.
The linguistic minority tries to preserve its identity through an intimate contact, interaction and preservation of their language in social get-togethers, family functions and festivals of their own region. Adherence to social customs and traditions in family gatherings/group meetings of women also promote the unity between members of the linguistic minority.
In short, they create a mini-Punjab in Bangalore, mini-Chennai in Mumbai, mini-Bangalore in Delhi and mini-Surat in Kolkata.
Q3. Is it possible to carry pride in one’s language too far? Do you know what “lin¬guistic chauvinism” means?
Ans. ‘Linguistic chauvinism’ means an aggressive and unreasonable belief that your own language is better than all others. This shows an excessive or prejudiced support for one’s own language. Sometimes pride in one’s own language goes too for and the linguistic enthusiasts can be easily identified by their extreme zeal for the preservation and spread of their language. In their enthusiasm, love and support for their own language, they tend to forget that other languages too have their own merits, long history of art, culture and literature behind them. Instead of bringing unity and winning over others as friends, having excessive pride in one’s own language creates ill-will and disintegration. The stiff-resistance to the acceptance of Hindi as national language by the southern states of India is a direct outcome of the fear of being dominated by Hindi enthusiasts. The result is that ‘One India’ remains only a slogan.


Q1. English is a language that contains words from many other languages. This inclusiveness is one of the reasons it is now a “world language”. For example’.
petite – French
kindergarten – German
capital – Latin
democracy – Greek
bazaar – Hindi
Find out the origins of the following words:
tycoon barbecue zero
tulip veranda ski
logo robot trek
Ans.Word Origin Word Origin
Tycoon Japanese Veranda Portuguese
Tulip Persian Robot Czech
Logo Greek Zero Arabic
Bandicoot Telugu Ski Norwegian
Barbecue Spanish Trek South African Dutch

Q2. Notice the underlined words in these sentences and tick the option that best explains their meaning:
(a) “What a thunderclap these words were to me!”
The words were
(i)loud and clear.
(ii)startling and unexpected.
(iii) pleasant and welcome.
(b)“When a people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if they had the key to their prison.”
It is as if they have the key to the prison as long as they
(i)do not lose their language.
(ii)are attached to their language.
(iii)quickly learn the conqueror’s language.
(c)Don’t go so fast, you will get to your school in plenty of time. You will get to your school.
(i)very late.
(ii)too early.
(iii)early enough.
(d)I never saw him look so tall.
M. Hamel (i) had grown physically taller.
(ii) seemed very confident.
(iii) stood on the chair.
Ans. (a) (ii) startling and unexpected.
(b) (ii) are attached to their language.
(c)(iii) early enough.
(d)(ii) seemed very confident.


1.Read this sentence:
M. Hamel had said that he would question us on participles.
In the sentence above, the verb form “had said” in the first part is used to indicate an “earlier past”. The whole story is narrated in the past. M. Hamel’s “saying” happened earlier than the events in this story. This form of the verb is called the past perfect.
Pick out five sentences from the story with this form of the verb and say why this form has been used.
Ans. (i)For the last two years all our bad news had come from there.
Reason: The ‘coming’ of bad news happened earlier than the bulletin in the story.
(ii)Hauser had brought an old primer.
Reaeon : The event of ‘bringing’ happened earlier than Franz noticed it.
(iii) That was what they had put up at the town-hall!
Reason’. The ‘putting up’ of bulletin happened earlier. Now it is recalled.
(iv)they had not gone to school more.
Reason’. The action of ‘not going* happened much earlier.
(v)the hopvine that he had planted himself twined about the windows to the roof.
Reason’. The ‘planting’ of hopvine happened earlier than its twining about the windows.


Q2. Write a paragraph of about 100 words arguing for or against having to study three languages at school.
In most of the states in India, students have to study three languages at school. One of them is the mother tongue, the second is Hindi (the national language) and the third is English (the international or link language). In Hindi speaking region, a South or East Indian language—Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malyalam or Bangla, Oriya, Assamese etc is taught. The three language formula helps in national integration by acquainting young students about the social customs, rituals, culture and traditions of the various parts of the country. It also focuses on the principle of unity in diversity. The only drawback in this system is that it puts an excessive burden on the minds of the young learner. To alleviate their problem, the courses of study in the three languages may be structured suitably.

Q3. Have you ever changed your opinion about someone or something that you had earlier liked or disliked? Narrate what led you to change your mind.
Ans: Facts are sometimes stronger than fiction. Many occurrences of life come as eye-openers. Such an experience occurred the previous day which led me to change my mind about our hostel warden Miss Angela Thomas. Overnight the terrible titan was transformed into a loving and affectionate elder sister full of milk of human kindness. Now when I remember how I disliked her and invented nicknames and pranks to tease her, I feel ashamed of myself. Yesterday, I had a terrible nightmare and I cried and wept. My room-mate failed to console me and reported the matter to the warden. God knows how long I remained unconscious! When I came to my senses I found my head in the lap of Miss Angela Thomas. Her eyes were red with tears and bps moving in prayer. She had really proved an angel for me and saved me.
Q1. Find out about the following (You may go to the internet, interview people, consult reference books or visit a library.)
(a)Linguistic human rights
(b)Constitutional guarantees for linguistic minorities in India.

Ans: Extension Activity: To be done under the Teacher’s Guidance.
Short Answer Type Questions (3 Marks, 30-40 words)
Question.1. What tempted Franz to stay away from school?
Answer. Franz feared a scolding at school as he had not prepared hte lesson on participles, on which his French teacher M Hamel was to question the class that day. Besides* the warm and bright weather, the chirping of birds and the watching the drill of Prussian soldiers also tempted Franz to stay away from school.
Question.2. What was unusual about M Hamel’s dress on his last day in the school?( 2014)
Answer. M Hamel had put on his ceremonial clothes on his last day in the school. He was wearing a beautiful green coat, a frilled shirt, and a little black embroidered silk cap. This was a special ceremonial attire which he usually wore on days of inspection and prize distribution.
Question.3. Why is the order from Berlin called a thunderclap by Franz? ( 2014)
“What a thunderclap these words were to me!” What were the words that shocked
surprised the narrator? : ( 2013)
Answer. M Hamel told his students that it was their last French lesson, as an order had come from Berlin that henceforth only German was to be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. This announcement seemed to be a thunderclap to Franz. He was left in surprise and shock to learn that a new master was going to arrive the next day and they would learn German instead of their mother tongue.
Question.4. Who were sitting on the back benches during M Hamel’s last lesson? Why? ( 2014)
Why had the villagers come to school on the day of the last lesson? ( 2008)

Why were the elders of the village sitting in the classroom? (2014)
Answer. Some of the elderly people from the village were sitting on .the back benches during M Hamel’s last lesson. The villagers had come there to attend his last lesson as it was their way of paying respect to the master, who had given forty years of faithful service to the school.
Question.5. Why does M Hamel reproach himself for his students, unsatisfactory progress in
Studies? (2014)
Answer. M Hamel had been rather irregular as a teacher. He took leave whenever he wanted to. Besides, he had often sent the students to water his plants, and whenever he wanted to go fishing, he just gave them a holiday. So, he reproaches himself for his students’ unsatisfactory progress in studies.
Question.6. What shows M Hamel’s love for the French language? (2014)
What did M Hamel tell them about the French language? What did he ask them to do and why? (2013)
Answer. In his last lesson, M Hamel told the students that the French language was the most beautiful language in the world—the clearest and the most logical. He asked them to guard it amongst themselves and never forget it, because when a people were enslaved, as long as they held fast to their language, it was as if they had the key to their prison.
Question.7. What words did M Hamel write on the blackboard before dismissing the last class?
hat did they mean? (2014)
Answer. Before dismissing the last class, M Hamel turned to the blackboard, and wrote the phrase, ‘Vive La France!’ as large as he could. These words meant ‘Long live France’, and spoke of M Hamel’s great love for his country and his deep sense of patriotism.
Question.8. What made M Hamel cry towards the end of his last lesson? (2014)
Answer. M Hamel had taught French at the school for the last forty years. He was emotionally attached to the school and everything in and about it. He was really heartbroken to leave it all. Besides, his own predicament reminded him that his country would soon lose its independence. All this made him cry towards the end of his last lesson.
Question.9. How did Franz react to the declaration that it was their last French lesson? (2013)
What announcement did M Hamel make? What was the impact of this on Franz?
(All India 2011)

‘‘This is your last French lesson.” How did Franz react to this declaration of M Hamel? (2010) 

What changes came over little Franz after he heard M Hamel’s announcement?
(All India 2010)

What did the French teacher tell his students in his last French lesson? What impact did it have on them? (All India 2009)
Answer. The French teacher M Hamel announced that he would be teaching his last French lesson that day because the orders had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. On hearing this, all the students as well as Franz felt very sorry that they would not be learning their mother tongue in future. Franz regretted not having learnt his lessons. Earlier his books seemed a nuisance to him, but at that moment they became very dear to him.
Question.10.What was the order from Berlin and what changes did it cause in the school?
( India 2013)
What changes did the order from Berlin cause in the school? (2012)

What was the mood in the classroom when M Hamel gave his last French lesson?
(Delhi 2009)
Answer. The order from Berlin stated that only German will be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The order effected many changes, as an unusual silence prevailed in the school, compared to the hustle and bustle earlier. M Hamel became soft in speaking to the students, while the people realised the importance of their language. The villagers even attended the school to show respect to M Hamel.
Question.11. How did M Hamel say farewell to his students and the people of the town?
(All India 2012)
Answer. At the end of his ‘Last Lesson’,. M Hamel stood up to say farewell to his students and the people of the town. He tried to speak, but overwhelming emotion choked his voice. He then wrote as large as he could on the blackboard ‘Vive La France’; then he dismissed the class with a gesture with his hand.
Question.12. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for the school that day? ( 2011)
Answer. Franz was expected to be prepared with participles that day. His teacher M Hamel, was to question him on the topic. Franz had not learnt his lessons and feared to be scolded by him.
Question.13. What had been put up on the bulletin-board? (2011)
AnswerSince the last two years the bulletin-board had news of lost battles, the draft and the orders of the commanding officer. On that day a notice had been put up stating that orders from Berlin were to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.
Question.14. Who did M Hamel blame for the neqlect of leaminq on the part of boys like Franz?(2011)
Answer. M Hamel blamed himself for the neglect of learning on the part of boys like Franz. He himself was not quite regular and took leave whenever he needed it, which reflected on the behaviour and studies of the students. He also blamed their parents for not taking mterest in their education.
Question.15. Franz thinks, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?” What does
this tell us about the attit
ude of the Frenchmen? ( 2011)
Answer. This shows that the Frenchmen were full of hatred and desperation against the Germans. Besides, they feared German atrocities. They thought that they would be forced to read German and no one will be spared.
Question.16. Mention two thingsLabout M Hamel that surprised Franz on his last day at school.
(Foreign 2009)
Answer. M Hamel didn’t scold Franz for being late; instead he told him very kindly to go to his place. Also, that day he was dressed in his best clothes; he was in his beautiful green coat, frilled shirt and little black silk cap with embroidery, which he wore only on inspection or prize days.
Question.17. How was the scene in the school in the morning of the last lesson different from that
on other days? (Delhi 2008)
Answer. Usually, there used to be great hustle and bustle when the school began. The din of opening and closing of the desks, lessons being repeated in unison and the rapping of the teacher’s ruler on the table, could be heard out in the street. But that day, it was all very quiet and still as on a Sunday morning.
Long Answer Type Question (6 Marks, 120-150 words)
Question.1. What changes did the narrator find in the school when the order from Berlin came?
(Ail India 2008)
Answer. The order from Berlin prohibited teaching of French in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. Instead, German was to be taught in the schools. Franz was late for school that day. He noticed that the hustle and bustle was missing. There was no opening and closing of desks, no repetition of lessons or rapping of the teacher’s ruler on the table could be heard. It was all very quiet and still.
Franz was further surprised because, instead of meeting an angry teacher, he was welcomed by a kind and polite teacher, who was dressed in his best clothes, a beautiful green coat, frilled shirt and an embroidered silk cap, which he wore only on inspection and prize days. The back benches were occupied by the village people who never came to school, as they were more concerned about their livelihood. He was further astounded to know that , M Hamel was going to teach his last lesson that day.

"The last Lesson Full summary ! Class 12th The last lesson important-questions-answers !The last lesson main points full Explanation.The Last lesson -Textual questions -answers,And full explanation In Hindi -English"

The Keeping-Quiet Part II

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